Meet Robin Pascoe, the author of five books about global living for expatriate families and the recently published memoir "The Carry-On Imperative: A Memoir of Travel, Reinvention & Giving Back."
Recently on "Nomadic Diaries" host Doreen Cumberford delved into the inspiring world of Robin Pascoe. Known for her influential work with global expat families and Maple Bear, a Canadian bilingual school, Robin's journey has been one of purpose, environmental stewardship, and the pursuit of a meaningful life even in the midst of the challenges presented by a nomadic existence.
Here are some of the main points we discussed during the conversation.
A Life Full of Global Journeys
Robin Pascoe is no stranger to the world's map, having lived in several places in Asia and beyond. Career shifts were inevitable, especially due to diplomatic constraints on her journalism work, but these only added new chapters to her storied life. Her life abroad has embraced several continents and even more decades!
Creative Fuel from a Nomadic Lifestyle
Through four decades of travel, Robin siphoned a wealth of material for her books, shaped by the ever-changing cultural landscapes. Her nomadic life has indelibly influenced her output, providing a treasure trove of content to stoke her creative fires.
Identity and Purpose Amid Mobility
Maintaining a cohesive personal and professional identity can be a puzzle and produce pain for expatriates. Yet, Robin tackled this challenge head-on, using her experiences to fill her writing with vibrancy and poignant lessons learned through self-awareness and purpose-finding.
The Pandemic’s Impact on an Author
The restrictive nature of the pandemic presented a hurdle for Robin as she adapted to promoting her book without the usual travel-fueled fanfare. Her resilience shone through as she emphasized the importance of motivation, even when the odds seemed insurmountable.
Navigating Life Through Baby Steps
In a world where curated highlights on social media can intimidate and generate self-doubt, Robin's advice on focusing on personal accomplishments is particularly poignant. If we acknowledge our own path and count the successes, however small, it is a really important piece that will assist in countering feelings of isolation.
Philanthropy Through Unexpected Success
Life's unexpected twists saw Robin and her husband stumble into some measure of success, which ultimately steered them towards philanthropy. Eager to contribute back to society, they started by supporting local initiatives and their daughter's passionate environmental education endeavours.
A New Chapter - the Birth of Finca Cantaros
In the lush backdrop of Costa Rica, Robin's daughter launched Finca Cantaros, a property dedicated to environmental education. When the pandemic halted her daughter's plans, the family rallied to take on various roles, thus fortifying the project's goals of community involvement, reforestation, and international collaboration in environmental education.
All of this has provided fuel for Robin's fire!
Robin's latest book just released is called "The Carry-On Imperative: A Memoir of Travel, Reinvention & Giving Back."
All proceeds are designed to bolster the Canteros Environmental Association.
You are invited to provide feedback and share your takeaways from Robin’s enriching story.