Nov. 7, 2023

Sporadic Diaries - Death and Dying While Living Abroad - NaPodMoMo

Sporadic Diaries - Death and Dying While Living Abroad - NaPodMoMo

This episode is are part of National Podcasting Month and is part of a 30 day challenge.  

They will cover a multitude of Sporadic Diaries!   Sometimes they will be simply be a reading from Life in the Camel Lane; or like this one a short reading on a subject we talk about from one of our guest's books.

These mini-episodes are designed to be whimsical, to be listened to quickly - like while making a sandwich or completing a small task.  

This particular episode is on the subject of Death and Dying While Living Abroad, we hope that it will be useful!

We will cover a mishmash of subjects like repatriation, house sitting, traveling, rewiring, refiring and everything about living overseas.  

At Nomadic Diaries we feature guests who will help our community in  launching your expat lifestyle, recovering from it and everything in between - we call it from launch to landed!  

Please listen, share, subscribe and let us know what you think of the minis!

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Home is Where Your Story Crosses Borders!

We aim to inspire expat solutions, by helping you navigate global living with Confidence.

A podcast where stories can wander but where purpose finds its home.

Treat your ears to a listen!