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Margaret-Ghielmetti Profile Photo

Author / Storyteller / Solo Show / Memoir Coach

Margaret Ghielmetti has lived on four continents and has visited nearly fifty countries.

She wrote Brave(ish): A Memoir of a Recovering Perfectionist to inspire readers that it’s never too late to learn to live our own lives – IF we dare to let go of outdated roles and rules we thought kept us safe . . .

. . . and to entertain readers with her adventures (and mis-adventures) abroad, sharing what each country taught her (that she never would have learned on her own.)

Margaret is proud that Brave(ish) earned Silver in Story Circle's Gilda Prize: nominated memoirs are “Distinguished by their fresh voices, their honesty, and their authenticity. They make us laugh (even when we want to cry).”

She’s delighted that the New York Times published her Tiny Love Story – “A Memory Mea Culpa" – on New Year’s Day 2023 . . .

. . .to have won two StorySLAMs with The Moth “live lit” storytelling show . . .

. . .to have been quoted online in TIME, Authority Magazine, and Next Avenue.

Her solo show, “Fierce,” is about re-claiming her genuine voice and expression in mid-life; other creative passions include photography, improv, and coaching others to tell their stories.

Oh, and travel – always travel - - - and learning new things!

Brave(ish) takes Margaret and her Swiss hotelier husband from New York City to Paris, Cairo, Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt,) Chiang Mai (Thailand,) Bangkok, Singapore, and back to her hometown of Chicago, with significant “stops” in India and Switzerland, where she is today.