Author & Split Location Consultant
Rhoda Bangerter is a Speaker, Split Location Consultant, and the Author of “Holding the Fort Abroad”. She was raised in a multicultural home and is married to a Swiss. They currently live in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Her husband has travelled for work their whole marriage including two years when he was based in Kabul.
Along the way, she realised the huge number of moms and dads around the world who experience the same challenges but with no resources to guide them through this journey. This led her to run extensive research, share her learnings through the book, Holding The Ford Abroad, and develop her services to support solo parents in long-distance relationships or with travelling partners.
Rhoda speaks about the challenges of solo parenting and how to thrive as a family when one partner is away a lot. She has been featured in various platforms such as Families in Global Transition, Coffee with Expat Women, Ute’s international lounge and Tandem Nomads. She runs workshops for organisations who support families of staff in non-family postings such as the World Bank Group Family Network and the World Food Program.