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June 18, 2024

What Do Jet Lag, Humor And Cutlery Have to do With Cultural Adaptation

What Do Jet Lag, Humor And Cutlery Have to do With Cultural Adaptation

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-Embracing Cultural Diversity:
In this insightful episode, Chris Shawnessy, a seasoned cross-cultural expert, takes us on an enriching exploration of understanding and navigating the nuances of cultural diversity. Brace yourself for thought-provoking anecdotes, practical wisdom, and a refreshing dose of humor.
The Open Lens
Chris emphasizes the importance of being open to different perspectives and embracing new routines as a means to expand one's worldview.
Unwritten Rules
From queuing etiquette to communication styles, Chris delves into the impact of cultural differences on social norms. Gain insights into "high context" and "low context" communication, drawing from his personal experiences in Japan and his Scottish/UK background.
Universal Language
Humor transcends boundaries, and Chris shares how he uses laughter to build community and spread positive energy across cultures. Prepare to be entertained as he weaves in delightful personal anecdotes.
Jet-Setter's Perspective
Fresh from his travels across Europe, Kenya, and the U.S., Chris offers a unique lens on the purpose and effects of jet lag and its impact on routines, providing valuable tips for frequent travelers.

Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or simply seeking to expand your cultural horizons, this episode promises to be an insightful and entertaining journey through the intricate tapestry of cultural diversity.

-Chris O'Shaughnessy:

- Chris's podcast: "Diesel and Clooney Unpack the World" – Focusing on expat and intercultural issues.

Please follow Nomadic Diaries for more episodes exploring international lifestyles.**

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Nomadic Diaries. Until next time, embrace the journey and keep exploring diverse perspectives!

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